Clear Aligners: The Discreet Path to a Stunning Smile

Gone are the days of metal wires and brackets. Clear Aligners have emerged as the modern solution for patients seeking an aesthetic and less invasive alternative to conventional teeth braces. As an advanced orthodontic clinic, we embrace this technology, offering personalised care to align your smile with precision and ease.

A Clear Vision for Straighter Teeth

Crafted from BPA-free plastic, Clear Aligners are virtually invisible, providing an orthodontic treatment that blends seamlessly with your lifestyle. Each aligner is custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, gently shifting them into the desired position. This cutting-edge technology allows us to cater to a wide array of dental alignments, ensuring that each patient receives a tailor-made treatment plan for optimal results.

The Aesthetic Orthodontic Revolution: Clear Aligners

We believe that the journey to a perfect smile should not come at the cost of discomfort. Our Clear Aligners are custom-fitted, ensuring they hug your teeth without the irritation that traditional teeth braces can cause. The aligners are easily removable, making daily activities like eating, brushing, and flossing hassle-free.

Invisible Appeal

Clear Aligners are barely visible, allowing your natural smile to shine through during treatment.


Easily removable for eating, brushing, and flossing, Clear Aligners promote better oral hygiene compared to traditional braces.

Custom Fit

Each Clear Aligner is custom-made for a tailored fit, ensuring maximum comfort.

Features of Damon Brace

Enhanced Comfort

With no metal to cause mouth abrasions during treatment, Clear Aligners offer a pain-free experience.

Predictable Results

Advanced 3D imaging technologies enable precise treatment planning for predictable results

Fewer Clinic Visits

Clear Aligners often require fewer check-ups, saving you time and hassle.

Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces: Making the Right Choice

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, it’s essential to choose a solution that aligns with your lifestyle and goals. Clear aligners offer a modern alternative to traditional braces, providing a blend of convenience, aesthetics, and comfort that metal braces can’t match. Say goodbye to the hassle of metal brackets and the limitations they impose, and say hello to the freedom and simplicity of clear aligners.

The Treatment Process

Experience our clear aligner treatment process:

Initial Consultation and Dental Assessment

Begin with a personalised consultation and thorough dental assessment. Our team evaluates your oral health and discusses your goals to understand your unique needs.

Creating a Custom Treatment Plan with Clear Aligners

Enjoy personalised care as we craft a custom treatment plan tailored to your smile. Using advanced clear aligner technology, we create a precise roadmap to your desired results.

Ongoing Support and Adjustments

Throughout your treatment, rely on our dedicated team for continuous support and adjustments. We monitor your progress closely, making any necessary tweaks to ensure optimal outcomes and your satisfaction.

The Alfred Cheng Orthodontic Clinic Experience

Our clinic is not just a place to receive treatment; it’s a destination where patient comfort and satisfaction are our ultimate goals. When you choose us for your Clear Aligner therapy, you’re choosing a clinic that values your individuality and works tirelessly to ensure that your journey to a straighter smile is as smooth as possible.

Expert Orthodontic Team
Our team is composed of experienced orthodontic professionals who are passionate about dental health and patient care. With years of specialised training and a gentle touch, they guide each patient through their custom treatment plan with expertise and empathy.
Improvement of Self-Esteem
Having straight teeth and an attractive smile can boost self-confidence and improve overall self-esteem. Braces help to correct dental imperfections, enhancing the appearance of the smile and contributing to a positive self-image.
Prevention of Speech Problems
Misaligned teeth or jaw problems can sometimes lead to speech difficulties. By aligning the teeth and jaws properly, braces can help improve speech clarity and pronunciation.
Long-Term Dental Health
Investing in orthodontic treatment with braces can have long-term benefits for dental health, reducing the need for costly and invasive dental procedures later in life.
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Complete Care for Clear Aligners

Our Clear Aligner services extend beyond mere aesthetics. We delve deep into functional orthodontics to address bite issues, jaw alignment, and ensure overall oral health.

Oral Health Integration

Clear Aligners are part of a holistic approach to dental health, promoting better gum health and ease of cleaning compared to traditional teeth braces.

Follow-Up Excellence

Post-treatment care is vital. Our orthodontic clinic schedules regular follow-ups to monitor your progress and maintain the brilliance of your new smile.

A Lifetime of Smiles:

We are not just about straightening teeth; we're about crafting smiles that last a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Clear Aligner is made of a transparent plastic that is nearly invisible, providing a discreet alternative to metal braces. They are also removable for eating and cleaning, and they are custom-fit to your teeth, which often results in a more comfortable experience.

The duration of treatment with Clear Aligner varies depending on individual needs and the complexity of the case. Typically, treatment can last anywhere from 6 to 24 months, but you’ll see results much sooner.

Some people might notice a slight change in speech at the beginning of treatment, but this usually subsides quickly as your mouth adjusts to the aligners.

For best results, you should wear your Clear Aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day, only removing them to eat, drink anything other than water, and for brushing and flossing your teeth.

The cost of Clear Aligner treatment can vary based on individual needs and treatment length. We offer a range of financing options and will provide a detailed cost breakdown during your initial consultation.

Simply contact Alfred Cheng Orthodontic Clinic to schedule a consultation. Our experienced team will guide you through the assessment and treatment process.

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